Exploring the Features and Benefits of LearnWorlds: A Comprehensive Review

Exploring the Features and Benefits of LearnWorlds: A Comprehensive Review

Welcome to our evaluation of LearnWorlds, an effective and adaptable online learning resource. The proliferation of online learning platforms in the modern day has made the choice of an appropriate learning platform essential. One of the best options for people, companies, and organizations looking to quickly and efficiently produce and disseminate high-quality educational materials is LearnWorlds.

We will examine LearnWorlds’ features, benefits, and drawbacks from the viewpoint of the user in this evaluation. We’ll look at a lot of things, such as interaction, platform adaptability, and user experience. We hope that our evaluation will help you choose an online learning platform wisely for your personal or professional requirements by offering the most thorough information available. Together, let’s investigate LearnWorlds to discover whether it meets your needs.

What is LearnWorlds?

With the help of the platform LearnWorlds, instructors may design and market courses directly from their own website.

It may be used to start from scratch in creating your full online course as well as the high-converting website that will house it.

After doing that, you can start promoting enrollments by utilizing the integrated marketing and sales tools.

With an abundance of state-of-the-art engagement technologies, LearnWorlds can assist you in providing outstanding learning experiences.

This consists of a community builder, a gamification engine, adaptive assessments, and question banks, an interactive video and course player, extensive analytics, and reporting, among many other features.

As we get into the features, we’ll go into further detail about all you can accomplish with LearnWorlds.

What features does LearnWorlds offer?

We couldn’t fit all of LearnWorlds‘ features on one page. But the primary ones that you should be aware of are:

  • Course Builder
  • Course player
  • Interactive videos
  • Assessments
  • Website Builder
  • User management
  • Marketing tools
  • Mobile app
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Learning Apps

We’ll examine each of these elements from within the LearnWorlds UI in more detail below. Let’s begin at the top.

What’s inside the Admin?

The majority of your time was spent in the Admin section.

When you build webpages, manage students, make courses, and examine your statistics.

Therefore, it’s critical that the admin seems like a place you enjoy being. We refer to it as a good user experience.

It seems a bit 00s at first, but it’s really intuitive after you get the feel of it.

With submenus at the top and all of your main features on the left, everything expands into the expansive right side of the screen.

Nothing groundbreaking—it simply functions.

The quickness is one feature of the LearnWorlds admin that I really enjoy.

Everything loads quickly, as you would expect.

We want things to function quickly because we spend so much time here.

This has a significant impact on how the platform feels overall.

All of your menu choices are located on the left side:

  • Dashboard
  • Courses
  • Site Builder
  • Users
  • Marketing
  • Mobile App
  • Report Center
  • Settings

Each of them brings up a new sub-menu that either appears to overlap your main menu or doesn’t. Alternatively, appears as a top menu bar, similar to the Course Creator.

Confusing at first, but as with all software, it takes a bit of getting used to.

And once you’ve spent 1-2 hours inside the Admin, it’s a pleasant interface to work with.

But LearnWorlds doesn’t have it all. Email management is missing, for example.

So, we need Integrations.


LearnWorlds has several software integrations. ranging from email services, video solutions, analytics tools, and affiliate programs.

With the help of all these connectors, LearnWorlds may share data with the applications you now use.

Many learning platforms have integrations, which are essential if the platform itself doesn’t offer certain features like email management.

It’s all built in with Kajabi, which I use. However, the majority of other platforms are not “all-in-one”.

Then, let’s get started on the integrations they require!

Manage your Affiliates

An affiliate program is a terrific way to encourage individuals in your network or students to promote your course.

It enables you to design unique tracking links that link course sales to the original link-sharer.

Referral Candy and Refersion are two players that LearnWorlds integrates with as they lack an internal solution.

You may input “keys” that you obtain from those two affiliate sites when you click “Activate.”

They could probably combine with more established companies like PartnerStack, Affiliate, and Rewardful.

You are now limited to two alternatives and must join up and pay for one of them.

However, all of these affiliate solutions are effective, strong, and simple to set up.

Let’s examine the LearnWorlds and Analytics tool integration.

Get Nerdy with Advanced Analytics

It’s amazing that LearnWorlds interfaces with the biggest analytics systems available!

If you’ve worked in marketing, and have a blog, or a website, you presumably already know and utilize them.

You may combine the products with Facebook, Mixpanel, and Google Analytics.

There are specialized analytics solutions like Google Analytics and Mixpanel, and you may put a Tracking Pixel on your LearnWorlds website using Facebook.

Facebook may now monitor users who visit your website, enabling you to retarget them with Facebook advertisements.

LearnWorlds comes with a basic “analytics” dashboard, however, additional Analytics connections are required if you want more precise data on the sources of your visitors and the most popular sites.

Let us examine the Customer Service integrations that LearnWorlds facilitates.

Level-up on Customer Service

I’m aware that a lot of Kajabi users want “live chat”.

This function shows a little chat box on the visitor’s screen, generally in the bottom right corner.

Installing LearnWorlds on your course site is possible because of its integrations with several other technologies.

These are some of the most well-liked “customer relationship management” applications available; good job, LearnWorlds.

Their sizes and levels of intricacy vary.

Mixpanel is an enormous resource that large corporations may utilize.

A more compact chat widget is Tawk too.

Hence, regardless of your size, a customer service integration will be available to meet your requirements.

Email providers, let’s move on to the next one!

Connect your Email Provider

LearnWorlds does not come with an email feature built in.

(I was surprised by this.)

Rather, they merged with a few of the biggest platforms available.

MailChimp. ActiveCampaign, AWeber, and ConvertKit.

As you can see, the Admin looks a bit different now, as it’s more complicated to integrate correctly with email providers.

LearnWorlds offers instructions on how to properly integrate your email tool with your classes.

But because I’ve seen firsthand how things may go wrong, I hate these integrations.

(Emails are not sent. Login details are not given to students. There is no data flow back into the learning platform.)

I use Kajabi because, as you may have guessed by now, it’s an “all-in-one” tool.

I want as minimal setup as possible and almost little risk of anything malfunctioning.

While LearnWorlds assists you in configuring your email tools, make sure you verify that everything works as intended.

You can’t fail with this since emails are essential to operating an internet business.

Now that we have cleared things out, let’s examine growth tools!

Growth Tools to Help You Scale

Tools that, well, didn’t fit anyplace else are in this area.

Google Console, Intercom, Sumo, and Hubspot are a mixed bag.

You may learn more about what generates search traffic with the aid of Google Console.

The intercom serves as both a chat widget and an onboarding tool for new students.

You may gather emails and insert popups using Sumo.

Additionally, HubSpot is a cutting-edge marketing and CRM platform.

These integrations, like the majority of others, have comprehensive setup instructions.

(Don’t we want nothing to shatter?)

Let’s now examine how we may use Live Session integrations to instruct our pupils live.

Host Live Sessions for Students

The interface of these Live Session connections is akin to that of the Email providers.

Many tools include expandable checkboxes that enable you to link your accounts.

Live session solutions are not frequently included as built-in features in learning management systems.

Instead, when LearnWorlds opens up for integrations, it operates similarly to many others.

Webex and Zoom are designed for web conferencing, group calls, and one-on-one meetings.

Calendly is designed especially for reserving and planning these kinds of meetings.

Although Zoom and Calendly are not connected with my learning management system, Kajabi, I still utilize them.

I’m not sure what the benefit of this is.

However, the choice is available.

Now let’s explore Social Proof, a creative type of integration.

Use Social Proof to Convert Visitors

In my opinion, it’s extremely intriguing to promote the integration that exists in this area.

The tool is a widget by the name of Fomo, and it appears as a little text box on the edge of your browser window.

“Bob from Chicago just signed up” or “David from Cleveland purchased product X” are certainly familiar to you.

They are there as evidence that actual people make purchases, therefore you ought to too.

I don’t really like the concept as a whole.

The acronym for FOMO is Fear Of Missing Out.

It’s not my style to incite fear and force folks to buy just because others did.

But LearnWorlds integration allows you to play around with social proof in your courses.

Let’s move on to Zaps!

Make “zaps” with Zapier

In a nutshell, Zapier is a platform that links various services.

“Zaps” are linkages between tools that would otherwise be unconnected, which you build.

Here are several instances of LearnWorlds that can be connected.

However, in order to use Zapier integrations in LearnWorlds, you must have a higher plan.

Although Zapier offers you five “zaps” at no cost, these are not very valuable if Zapier is not supported by your LearnWorlds subscription.


If you utilize systems that I haven’t covered in the Integration tutorial above, Zapier is a fantastic backup.

Its Zap library is enormous as well. This will ensure that you locate the precise tool you need.

(Providing it’s a well-liked one.)

But hold on!

Video players are another example of a “hidden” integration.

What does it have to do with?

Integrate with High-End Video Players

LearnWorlds provides you with a great inbuilt video player.

You upload your .mp4 file to a course lesson, and LearnWorlds wraps it in a custom player.

But: If you already subscribe to Vimeo or Wistia, you might want to integrate and use their features instead.

You may be doing this because you already have a lot of content hosted on such platforms.

that you like the sophisticated data on your audience that you receive.

Alternatively, you utilize LearnWorlds with your own preferred player settings and personalized colors.

I utilize the built-in player on Kajabi to host my courses.

The rationale is that I trust the features they’ve developed for their own platform more than any integration, thus I try to avoid integrating as many systems as possible.


Integrating with a variety of tools, platforms, and systems is a possibility.

It is up to you how and if.

You need a direct route to Support in case you have any issues, right?

Let’s take a look at how LearnWorlds handles that!

Awesome Technical Support

These people are more in-depth and geekier when it comes to the specifics of how each feature operates.

I appreciate how this has been separated.

There’s nothing worse than devoting hours to elucidating a complicated matter to a person who ultimately cannot assist you.


Technical help will examine your project in great detail and come up with a solution, eventually.

(From what their superfans have told me, anyhow.)

This person is not the greatest lover of LearnWorld’s cost, but they do adore the technical help.

What does it have to do with?

We’ll find out how much they desire from us!


“How much does it cost?”

When investigating a new tool, one of the first things we do is check.


Because there’s no use in carrying out the study if the instrument is wholly unaffordable.

With LearnWorlds, such is not the case.

You’ll find four distinct strategies here, each tailored to your current level.

With its 0% transaction cost and limitless classes, the $79/month Pro Trainer package is the one I would go with.

Let’s examine each one in more depth, though.

Begin with the Starter Plan

The least expensive and smallest option that LearnWorlds provides.

Depending on whether you pay monthly or annually, you pay $24 or $29 each month.

You may test things out and start using the features right away.

However, you may probably have issues with the page count restriction

For your students, you receive a Home page, a Course Catalogue, and an After Login page.

This is insufficient.

A blog, landing pages for marketing, an About section, and a 404 page are all necessary.

(As well as other things.)

Therefore, you should give up on the Starter plan as soon as possible if you’re serious about creating a lovely online residence and company.

and get to Pro Trainer status.

Get Serious as a Pro Trainer

The Pro Trainer is the first serious plan on LearnWorlds, unlocking a number of helpful features and limitations.

You make a monthly payment of $99 or $79 if you pay annually.

I think this is a reasonable cost for a full course platform.

(It now makes up half of what I paid for Kajabi.)

The ability to build an infinite number of pages and courses (both paid and free) is one of the most significant “unlocks” of the Pro Trainer plan.

When you start to sell, it’s also good to keep all the money yourself.

(The Starter plan takes a 5% transaction fee on all purchases.)

To me, this plan is the first “real” plan that unlocks everything you need to build an online course business.

The next level is called Learning Center and is for the organizations that use LearnWorlds as an LMS.

Let’s explore that further!

Create an “LMS-like” Learning Center

LearnWorlds is utilized by certain clients to manage a whole corporate learning system.

Consider a small- to medium-sized business that uses training to upskill and onboard new hires.

(Delivered by LearnWorlds.)

You’ll need some more space for better integrations, more administrators, and premium support in order to do this.

Yes, honestly, a little bit more of everything.

You pay $249 or $299 a month, based on how often you choose to make payments—monthly or annually.

After that, you have a platform that can rival more sophisticated corporate LMS systems.

Learning Management Systems, or LMSs, are what many businesses use to house their internal training materials.

LearnWorlds states that this Learning Center plan is their “most popular”, so maybe their focus is on the enterprise segment.

(More than solopreneurs, like me.)

My first suggestion would be to go with more specialized corporate learning management systems, such as HubSpot or iSpring.

However, LearnWorlds appears to be able to handle all the “corporate” features—SCORMs, White Label choices, APIs, and SSO—quite well.

And there’s a greater plan if that’s not enough for you.

Let’s examine it in more detail!

Go all-in on High Volume & Corporate

The majority of software-as-a-service pricing tables provide a free option.


It permits escalation upward.

Because this plan is customized to meet the demands of the consumer, there is no upper limit to how pricey it may grow.

(If the clientele is sufficiently large.)

This approach, I suppose, began with a large customer who requested a broad list of features.

And as time went on, an increasing number of corporates joined with unique demands.

Thus, they have devised a strategy that allows you to receive a great deal customized to your needs from LearnWorlds.

Words like “premium”, “tailored”, “custom”, and “flexible” predominate in the list of supplementary features.

Consider this strategy less of a plan and more of an effort between LearnWorlds and your business.

They have the developers to fulfill your LMS fantasies if you have the funds.

Additional Cool Add-Ons

LearnWorlds takes pleasure in offering a ton of amazing features in all of their plans, from Starter to Corporate, regardless of which one you select.

One issue, though, is that none of the plans work for you.

A custom mobile app.

Though I would never pay the money to purchase one for myself, I believe this to be one of the most awesome features of LearnWorlds.

A bespoke mobile app launched on iOS and Android will set you back $169 per month.

I also observed that before you have a real app in your pocket, there is a lot of setup and labor involved. 

For some larger customers, it might make sense.

I’m fine with my generic “Kajabi” app, where my students can watch my courses.

No need for the app to be named RuedRiis.

Pricing Compared to Other Course Platforms

According to several assessments, LearnWorlds is expensive.

To be honest, I don’t think so.

For instance, Teachable offers a similar package called “Pro” that has capabilities similar to LearnWorlds Pro Trainer.

For this one, Teachable costs $99 or $119 per month.

Thinkific is another rival, offering a “Start” package that shares many of the LearnWorlds Pro Trainer plan’s features.

For this package, Thinkfic charges $74/99 a month.

Finally, Kajabi, the course platform of my choice, is the priciest available.

The monthly cost of Kajabi’s “Growth” plan is $159/199.


If you compare LearnWorlds’ pricing to some of the industry heavyweights, it can certainly compete.


Diverse feature set: Numerous features are available with LearnWorlds, such as rating and feedback systems, learning forums, interactive lecture design, course administration, and more. Users benefit from a broad and varied learning experience as a result.
Powerful customization: With LearnWorlds, users may build individualized learning experiences by freely customizing the colors, layouts, and features of their course and website interface.
Interactive support: With the help of the platform, teachers can produce engaging lectures that incorporate videos, tests, conversations, and more, improving student engagement with the material.
Easy integration: LearnWorlds integrates well with other tools and services such as PayPal, Stripe, Zoom, and Mailchimp, facilitating convenient course management and marketing.


Pricing: LearnWorlds has relatively high pricing compared to some competitors in the industry. This could be a barrier for individuals or businesses with limited budgets.
Limited student enrollment:  LearnWorlds’ pricing plans come with limited numbers of students, which could be an issue if you’re looking to scale your course abruptly.
Complex admin interface: While LearnWorlds offers many customization features, the admin interface can be complex and challenging for non-technical users.
Possibly delayed customer support: Some users have reported issues regarding response times from LearnWorlds’ customer service.


In summary, LearnWorlds offers a rich and diverse set of features for creating and delivering online courses. Its customizable interface and interactive tools empower instructors to engage learners effectively. While pricing may be a consideration for some, LearnWorlds’ strengths lie in its ability to provide a tailored learning experience and seamless integration with other platforms. Despite potential challenges with admin complexity and customer support, LearnWorlds remains a top contender in the online education landscape, catering to the needs of educators and learners alike.

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